All hormonal injections required during Ovarian Stimulation until the day of Egg Retrieval
All ultrasounds and consultations during stimulation and first ultrasound for heartbeat confirmation after Embryo Transfer
All hormonal blood tests during stimulation and post Embryo Transfer hormonal blood test until the first Ultrasound for heartbeat confirmation after Embryo Transfer (E2, P4, LH, FSH, BHCG)
Pre-operative blood tests for husband (HIV 1 & 2, Hepatitis B & C) and wife (VDRL, CBC, Blood Group/RH, HIV 1& 2, Hepatitis B & C, PT, PTT) if not performed in the last 6 months at BEST LIFE FERTILITY CENTER
Surgeon fees for Egg Retrieval and Embryo Transfer
Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)